Experiences with ''str8'' guys

Hey I welcome the comments and I have no problem with everything you wrote. I agree with it. In fact by everything you wrote a guy who let a guy blow him when he was 18 is still straight. If he identifies with a straight lifestyle, is only attracted to women, only interacts with women. He's straight. Right?

Lol um that isn't what I typed at all. If a male lets a male blow him regardless of his age he isn't straight. Because as I stated and others have stated. Straight males are only attracted too and only have sexual contact with females. So if male lets another man blow him or blows another man he is either bisexual or gay regardless of what he "identifies" himself as.
Lol um that isn't what I typed at all. If a male lets a male blow him regardless of his age he isn't straight. Because as I stated and others have stated. Straight males are only attracted too and only have sexual contact with females. So if male lets another man blow him or blows another man he is either bisexual or gay regardless of what he "identifies" himself as.

This is where I think the argument is silly. I think the only thing that matters in that case is what the individual thinks and wants to identify as. Arguing over that is a waste of time.
And boom! banned. Hahah
Horrible timing. Had i known they were about to hit him with the hammer I would have suggested giving him a few more hours. Hate that it looks like someone argues with me and gets banned. Definitely not the case as it wasn't an argument.

I think he gave away that he knew a ban was coming when he posted about it in his first reply to me.
They were valid to do so. But yes the timing not great.
But he was a bit silly to argue with the new owner anyway.
Some ppl will just try to tell you that black is white,
So serves him right
Why is everyone so heated here? Who gives a fuck what label someone else wants to use and how they want to define it. I think the best approach is do what's best for you. Stop bickering about how you define straight, gay, bi etc. Just let everyone be. We all come here to get away from the bullshit of the world. If the guy posting above you is more comfortable saying he's straight but sucks dick what does it matter in the grand scheme of your life? Just let it be.

Not to sound preachy but instead of tearing each other down let's try to build each other up and compliment each other. Don't let one person's definition of a word ruin your mood or your day.

Sexual identity labels are the bane of human sexuality. Once we get rid of them, the better off we'll all be.

Why is everyone so heated here? Who gives a fuck what label someone else wants to use and how they want to define it. I think the best approach is do what's best for you. Stop bickering about how you define straight, gay, bi etc. Just let everyone be. We all come here to get away from the bullshit of the world. If the guy posting above you is more comfortable saying he's straight but sucks dick what does it matter in the grand scheme of your life? Just let it be. Not to sound preachy but instead of tearing each other down let's try to build each other up and compliment each other. Don't let one person's definition of a word ruin your mood or your day.
Thank you, @Mr. LPSG .
Sexual identity labels are the bane of human sexuality. Once we get rid of them, the better off we'll all be.

Well the quoted source says exactly as it is (but what you denied in another thread when you claimed that everyone gets aroused by the sight of penis): a continuum between those who are 100% straight and 100% gay. Of course you didn't answer when I asked about the gay guys who think pussy is repulsive.
Do you still deny that there are people out there that have zero interest in the opposite sex?
Then again why are so many gay guys so keen on having sex with straight guys if labels are nonsense anyway?
So are you still claiming that I am a liar when I say that I don't get aroused when I see a penis? Or did you finally come to your senses?
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Well the quoted source says exactly as it is (but what you denied in another thread when you claimed that everyone gets aroused by the sight of penis): a continuum between those who are 100% straight and 100% gay
Do you still deny that there are people out there that have zero interest in the opposite sex?
Then again why are so many gay guys so keen on having sex with straight guys if labels are nonsense anyway?

I don't believe there is one adult on earth who hasn't or will have attraction, fantasy or sexual activity with a person of the opposite or same sex.

I've seen too much to know human sexuality isn't that rigidly binary.
I think the stigma associated with being labeled bisexual and/or gay has changed and continues to evolve. Especially with today's young people who don't seem as worried about being labeled about who they sleep with or how they identify sexually.

You are always going to have absolutes. Some people are just wired that way. And that's Okay! Maybe it's generational; the fear of being judged. Or afraid to be perceived to be lesser of a man if they admit they are anything other than 100% straight. I don't know. Because I am not them.

I am though, an absolute. I know I'm 100% gay. I've had folks here tell me that nope, I'm not. That everyone is sexually fluid. Nope; I'm not. And I bristle at that because they don't know me. I do. That's doesn't mean I can't admire a woman. Her physique. Her beauty. Her aura. Her whatever. But it doesn't translate to me wanting to sleep with women.

That could be what a lot of guys here who identify as straight or Str8 feel. They can admire a good looking guy. Or a great physique. Or a guy's ass. Or his peen. His whatever. But, that doesn't necessarily translate to wanting to act on it. But so what if they do?

Several guys here have related their having such an experience and that it reinforced what they knew--nope, man-on-man sex is not for them. The fact that they experimented, IMO, does not make them *less straight*. In fact, I'd say it makes them ever *more straight* because they've had the experience and won't keep wondering what if.

Some of the most poignant posts I've read here, IMO, are from those guys who haven't done anything with a man but it's always in the back of their minds, *wondering around*. I can almost *feel* their struggle. Their wistfulness. Their sadness. Their blunted desires. I can only empathize with how they must feel, because again, I am not them.

But as heated as these discussions can get, I think they serve a good purpose for some readers in that they show that they are not alone with such thoughts; there are folks out there just like them. Whichever point on the sexuality spectrum they may be.

And if discussions like this help folks think and maybe expand their horizons, then that's a good thing. As I continue to mature, I find myself learning (at least striving!) each day to be less judgmental. Especially about that which I don't know. And I'm not a *straight* or a *str8* man. So how can I judge that which I don't know?

And that's the beauty of some of these discussion fora here at LPSG. Freedom to express who you are, share your opinion, and discuss/debate varying and differing opinions. I just wish it could be done with positivity. Without becoming argumentative and vitriolic. Because in the real world, does it really matter? No one is right and no one is wrong.

None of us really like being told by someone else we are wrong about our *whatever*. Especially when you don't know the person. And if you don't like being told you are *lying* or *in denial* about your sexuality, then don't you be the one telling someone else they are. Cuz that just hypocritical.

And I dislike a hypocrite much more than some guy who's chosen to express his sexuality a certain way, even if it doesn't necessarily fit with my idea about sexuality. Because simply put, I'm not them. And they are not me.

I salute the bravery of anyone who dares to share their deepest and most honest thoughts. Because for some it's the first time they've let themselves do just that. Be honest with themselves in a *public* way. LPSG may have started as a joke, but today for a lot of folks it is no joke. It's a place to share their deepest thoughts. And feel safe enough here to do just that.
I don't believe there is one adult on earth who hasn't or will have attraction, fantasy or sexual activity with a person of the opposite or same sex.

I've seen too much to know human sexuality isn't that rigidly binary.
The source you quoted speaks of a continuum between 100% straight and 100% gay. That's not binary at all. But as I see you still feel the need to tell other people what they are attracted to. You're part of the problem then.
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I am though, an absolute. I know I'm 100% gay. I've had folks here tell me that nope, I'm not. That everyone is sexually fluid. Nope; I'm not. And I bristle at that because they don't know me. I do. That's doesn't mean I can't admire a woman. Her physique. Her beauty. Her aura. Her whatever. But it doesn't translate to me wanting to sleep with women.

Are you able to predict the future?
The source you quoted speaks of a continuum between 100% straight and 100% gay. That's not binary at all. But as I see you still feel the need to tell other people what they are attracted to. You're part of the problem then.

Humans are sexually fluid. I'm not telling anyone who or what they're attracted to at all.
I kinda like how the "some" that scientists use is completely irrelevant to you.

The more people jump up and scream about not being attracted to something just confirms something is triggering them.

As far as I'm concerned we're all sexually fluid and those who deny are the same as fundamental religious folk when it come to sexuality.