Porn star murdered by former preacher

The man in jail on charges he tortured and murdered a former adult movie actress is an ex-preacher who dabbled in show business.

Brian Lee Randone, 45, holds a bachelor's degree from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and a master's of divinity degree from Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, according to a brief 1996 biography on the Baylor University Web site.

Investigators say Randone suffocated his girlfriend, 31-year-old Felicia Lee, inside a Monrovia apartment last week. He is being held in lieu of $2 million bail.

Lee appeared in a number of adult movies and photo shoots under the stage name "Felicia Tang."


I've never heard of her, but it's sad nonetheless.


Closed Account
In fairness, this guy knew what many of us didn't. That God had inserted parentheses next to the "thou shalt not kill" commandment that said it was okay to kill porn stars. f-in right wing fundamentalists.
In fairness, this guy knew what many of us didn't. That God had inserted parentheses next to the "thou shalt not kill" commandment that said it was okay to kill porn stars. f-in right wing fundamentalists.

Did you ever meet a fucking babble banger that wasn't a fucking nut job?
Religion is nothing but a habitual practice.

I religiously jog every morning. I religiously lift weights. I religiously go to a church every Sunday. I religiously watch a TV show week after week. Etc. etc.

Religion is nothing but man's doctrine and ideas. That is that. What is religion to you?