The Cadillac Three - Party Like You (Official Video)
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- "Party Like You" is Available Now! Purchase on iTunes and Google Play:
Music video by The Cadillac Three performing Party Like You. (C) 2014 Big Machine Records, LLC.
#TheCadillacThree #ParyLikeYou #Vevo
Can’t get enough of this! It always brightens my day!
Oh my gracious!! I'm a southern girl from Carolina and love these guys. Been listening to them for awhile and can't understand why they just haven't made it sooo big cause they r super talented and that southerness. Can't be washed off! 😂 I'm proud to be from the south and ya'll make me proud by your music. Wish I could see ya'll live cause I'd throw down! Keep gitin' it ya'll and stay true to the music... .and I know I didn't even have to say that cause ya'll wouldn't do it any other way!!! Live ya'll and send much respect!! 😂😂😊😊❤❤❤❤
They're one of the best performing bands you'll ever see live you'll never regret seeing them cheers
Maybe because they're shit?
Hell yeah girl that's fucking right
This song kicks ass !! But no light beer please!!
Just saw these guys at Night in the Country and they stole the show as an opening band for Chris Young. What a hidden talent! Keep rocking on you guys.
These guys need to be bigger, like honestly...
That's what she said?
(I'm a year too late to this)
Hahaha maybe
+Castle1558 HUH-LARIOUS. 😂😂
Yes MK Media. Are these dudes still rocking 2019?
ohh, they will be
These guys give me hope for future country music.
Yellowstone brought me here. You guys ate awesome. Hope y'all take off and climb the charts.
Been a Cadillac fan for a min ... Glad to see a show like Yellowstone playing their stuff
That’s my dad sitting on the bench and landing the knockout punch! I’ll always be thankful you guys let him partake...he said you were sooo awesome.
Yo pops is cool as fuck
Awesome 💕
Seriously….? That I cool as f@#k ,pops is a badass !
OK mate, whatever, that's my dad.
61 and still running hard !! Never look back !! Red means run !!
Bout Damn Time Somebody Makes Good Ole Southern Rock Again !!!!!!!!!!!
One of the best Southern rock bands of the last 20 years. Oooohhhh I'm rockin!
Them and Blackberry smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLASS!
And don't forget Whiskey Myers ;-) ( and A Thousand Horse, come to think of it).
Our band, Ripple Affect, covers a few BBS songs and make our arrangements with their sound in mind. We love BBS!!
Corky341 whiskey Myers, and the Cadillac black are true. they changed to the Cadillac three. I hope that's the only thing mainstream changes and not their music.
Agreed..two kickass bands
team 'em in Longview Tx let the LACS open
Just recently got into "country" music and these guys rock. I guess I'm more of a Southern rock, pound some beer and shoot some Jack tear up a bar country music guy and they fit the bill and then some. TC3 kicks ass.
Jaren Johnston, one of the best songwriters of all times. Thanks for keeping it real through your lyrics
Hands down the greatest country group not yet known to everyone! I love these guys!
Love this song from the show Yellowstone!!!! 🤘❤🤠
I can't understand why these guys aren't at the top of the charts, this song is great!
Easy to explain... Real rocking country that the lawyers and execs that peddle today’s“country” won’t touch.
Because it's not traditional there's really not much of a market for southern rock Blackfoot Marshall Tucker band Lynyrd Skynyrd and these dudes rock the kids today don't get it if it's not hip hop they got a great sound I love this band Molly hatchet on steroids 🤘🤘
@@jonathankenton7182 Nailed it brother. 🇨🇦🤘🏼
As an Englishman living in France I make it a point to educate the locals in the Cadillac three 👍
me too what the hell is going on
Party like you, has gotten me dancing again!
Hearing you guys for the first time!Where have I been?!
Love southern rock since I was a kid: started with Molly Hatchett and Lynyrd Skynyrd and now, in my 50ies, I love Blackberry Smoke, Whisky Myers and these boys
Wow real country rock. It's been a long time.TCT is the real thing. These guys and FGL are great bands.
I really hope this song and this band makes it big soon. I love this kind of southern rockin' country!
never heard of these guys until last night went to a Florida georgia line concert in Syracuse ny. all i have to say is these guys rock i now have a new favorite group rock on
same here it was a great concert
Ray Deveney
I want a stand up bass player. Come on fellas. I need some cadillac 4
Yeh boys this tracks rocks hard. Crack up geta van fleet have a little lick similar to this in Highway Tune
really hope country radio starts to play these guys! One of the best sounds in country music right now
JacobyProductionz Im in the UK and we dont get Country radio. Do they have an online site to listen to it? Im stuck with Absolute Country hits ... Please post me a link if you can..
Michael Bosworth RUclips is the best place for real country music. Look you Chris Stapleton, Drake White, Whitey Morgan and that will lead you to others.
+Aaron Henshaw Let's not forget legends like Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, Hank Williams, Sr. and Jr., Willie Nelson, Alan Jackson, and Johnny Cash.
Logan Washburn I was meaning people still making new music.
Aaron Henshaw Ah.
They aren't even close to a cover band. Their shit gets covered. Awesome band, these guys are legit.
Awesome singer n great name for a band I love cadillacs
Just heard this on YELLOWSTONE!🤘🇺🇸
Played it over and over and only feeling the chorus..
Awesome video guys - "The Cadillac Three"- keep doing your thing, and keep getting your music out there ! Totally loved the video.! SWO Music Events.
These guys were amazing in concert last August at the Broken Spoke Saloon in SD!
Got tickets 2 see them at The Roadhouse in London Thursday December 9th woo Hoo 🤠
Seen em twice. such cool guys on & off stage (if ya catch em at the right venue).
If you ever come to Croatia, pls yallllllll.
This song is awesome!!
Now that is what I'm talkin' bout! Woo! keep em coming.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️oh yes!!!!!rock it out!!!!! music 🎶🎶🎶 that lights it up!!!!sign me up!!!!!!
solo instead of crappy chorus at the end song is mint
I actually did some repair work on that car for the owner who had this car at the time of the video shoot. Mostly paintless stuff and correcting some gaps on the panels. It was already somewhat restored. Cool car.
Hey Cadillac Three can't wait to see you on May 1st at Slippery Rock University when you open for Lee Brice. Thanks in advance.
This song makes me speed in a 18 wheeler
Southern rock at it's best
This is great, just found these guys !!
Love this band
Got to see them live put on a great show deserve more than most people think
These guys are opening for Lee Brice May 1 on my campus. Can't wait!!!!1
Damn right! Cash your check and get a six pack, time to party.
saw these guys in Boston in August they do not disappoint there were amazing
You need to see these live AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Dash of Southern Rock and country music not bad but this is the direction county is heading anyways leaning towards Southern Rock 😂
These guys are brilliant. I discovverd them a few days ago and im hooked. The sound like a cross between Kings of leon, Nathaniel Rateliffe and Kip Moore. But with a slightly more southern rockier twist. Love it! When are they touring the UK!
We are missing out in Europe..
a party like TC3. these boys do it right 😀
Hell I like the car.and the music is like giddie up and now .
Addicted the first tune I listened to a TC3 track. 11 out of 10 lol.
Never herd of this group I was given tickets to see them. Are their concerts any good?
best band in 20 years!
this is Southern rock rock it on
These guys are amazing. Southern rock at its finest. A thumbs down here I really have trouble understanding. This is THINGS UP ALL THE WAY
Love it! Can't wait to see more from you guys ❤️
"All them Duuuuuudes"...haha, love it! Awesome track and great video... looks like they really had fun. Bet their gigs have a fantastic vibe too :)
We need them to return us just waiting
the best band going
Nashville let some real shit out, amazing
nice muddy old school dirty, just like I like it, country rock on
These guys are friggin awesome
I love this song very much thank u
Dude we're brothers lol😮
Such a good feelling too see you rocking it up.
Greetings from a fan since TCB
Som maravilhoso.
Awesome as hell !!!!!!!!
Saw these guys Friday night at Exit 111 music fest. I love them!
Love this tune can't stop listening to it.
Really need to make a Vevo video of White Lightning !!!
I go crazy to this song
This is awesome... proper tune!
Three guys, country/blues/funk, beards, fast cars? Sounds like Texas
Such talent. Ask my neighbors, they have been introduced to them. Best music I have heard in years. Keep rockin TCT
Love this .
heard this song on yellowstone
Great song and a great video. Love it. Can't wait to see you live again in the UK
Saw these guys at Download this year. They're now in my top bands list xD
Just saw them this week supporting Black Stone Cherry. Now hooked...
@@miniquinny22 same here. Funny thing is I got hooked to Black Stone Cherry from Download which lead me to The Cadilac Three
Damn they played download? That's f....king cool , big crowd
👌 laughed my ass off! I just am finding u guys but I'm hooked n I know my hometown folks will be too! where u boys been! ? been making comments on each vid I see but this one is frigging hilarious! Shit! im gonna be late 4 work now! 💁😜😂
Are the cadilac 3 anything like the Alabama 3? Did they just go bankrupt and start t anew band on the monday, tax free?
I love these guy Party Like You
just first heard these guys thi morning i like it
Great party song and very well done video to boot! I love that old TA! Very fitting for the video! Keep up the great work and hope to see you guys live again soon!
Very very cool, came to them from Mudd
good crusing song
2021 were still looking for a party like you
it's awesome ! I love that !
Saw them a few years ago open for a modern pop-countru act....crowd wasn't interested in TC3, so they didn't perform well. Their hearts weren't in it.
2 weeks later TC3 headlined at a smaller venue and completely rocked the roof off of the place!!
Still both good shows, but the differences in the crowd were obvious.
love TC3!!! can't get enough of them!
Yea I'd like to see them in concert here in Knoxville Tn.
awsome song
Isso é tão bom... Ahh! algum br aí?