Catarina Migliorini

Will E Worm

Catarina Migliorini, the 20-year-old Brazilian student, that supposedly auctioned off her virginity.

How much longer until she is in porn?

Is she a real virgin?

When will we see any evidence she is or was a virgin?

For someone claiming to be a virgin, she sure doesn't look to shy nor innocent.


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Catarina Migliorini... supposedly auctioned off her virginity.


Brazilian student, 20, agrees to sell her virginity for $780,000 after putting it up for auction online.

Catarina Migliorini May Not Be Able To Prove Virginity, Experts Say.

So my question is given that type of money I wonder how common place this will become for girls not caring about their virginity and seeing such a large sum of money in exchange for it? I am sure FaceBook is already working on integrating an app for this sort of auction.

Also, she kind of looks like Paris Jackson? Just saying.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
When her 15 minutes are up.
Playboy should have posted pics of her pussy spreaded so we can see the hymen.
Several friends that I know in Brazil tell me that she is a high end utr escort that fancies politicians and athletes. :2 cents:
with that kind of money i dnt think she will ever do porn

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is it legal to have sex for money?